Attendance Information
Things to Know
NJ State Law
The compulsory education law (N.J.S.A. 18A:38-28 through 31) requires all children between the ages of 6-16 to attend school. The attendance regulations (N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.6), require each district board of education to develop, adopt and implement policies and procedures regarding the attendance of students, including the adoption of a definition of "unexcused absence" that counts towards truancy. While the regulations allow for the parent to be referred to municipal court for a truant child, consideration should be made to refer or coordinate with a community-based social and health provider agency, other community resource, or the juvenile/family crisis intervention unit (FCIU).
Chronic Absenteeism
A student is considered chronically absent if the student misses 10% or more of the school days in session for which the student was enrolled.
- Attending school every day increases chances of success in school and in life
- Chronic Absenteeism is a primary cause of low academic achievement
- Per NJ Statute, schools must develop a corrective action plan to improve absenteeism rates in the event that 10% or more of the students enrolled in a public school are chronically absent.
State Excused Absences
State Excused Absences do not count as an absence for the purpose of chronic absenteeism. The following are approved, state excused absences:
- Religious observance
- College visit(s), up to 3 days per school year for students in grades 11 and 12
- "Take Our Children to Work Day"
- Participation in observance of Veterans Day
- Participation in district board of election membership activities
- Closure of a busing district that prevents a student from having transportation to the receiving school
- Participation in one "civic event" for students in grades 6-12 - can only be applied to an event sponsored by a government entity, a community-based organization, or a nonprofit. The civic event is required to incorporate an element of service learning and address a public issue or concern
Locally Excused Absences
A locally excused absence is defined by a local district board of education policy. Local education agencies (LEAs) can use locally excused absences for local purposes, such as determining truancy, student conduct, promotion, retention, and the award of course credit. Please refer to the school's handbook for more detailed information.
Per Board Regulation 5200 regarding student Attendance, the school will accept student absences and consider them "excused" for the following reasons:
- Illness supported by a Doctor's Note - received within 72 hours upon student's return to school
- Death in the family
- (HS specific) - DMV appointment for driver's examination
- Student's required attendance in court