Mental Health Supports
Mental Health Supports
The Kinnelon District is committed to supporting the learning community in removing barriers to students accessing a full learning experience. Towards that end, the district employs a tiered approach to mental health support.
Each school has a mental health support team, composed of guidance counselors, school psychologists, social workers, school and district administrators, the district behaviorist, and contracted clinical counselors. The team meets bimonthly to address school-based mental health needs in a Mental Health multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) meeting. The Mental Health MTSS process is described below.
Referrals, Family Communication and Documentation
Staff members make initial referrals via the Mental Health MTSS support request form. Families who would like their child referred to the Mental Health MTSS can contact their child’s guidance counselor or case manager.
Families are informed in writing of the referral to the Mental Health MTSS team.
The assigned counselor follows up with the family through a meeting (in-person or virtual) to inform them of the plan and to receive signed permission to implement the plan. Families are asked at that time to complete a questionnaire regarding pertinent information that will assist the MTSS team in addressing the concerns and connecting the family to appropriate resources.
During the 6-week cycle, the counselor remains in communication with the family via phone and/or email to help connect them to outside clinical support as needed.
After the 6-week review, the family is informed of the next steps in writing.
All steps and communications are documented within the OnCourse 504 portal and in the internal spreadsheet, by the assigned case manager or guidance counselor.