KPEC - Kinnelon Parents of Exceptional Children
This year, we have planned four virtual meetings that will include informative presentations followed by open discussions on topics relevant to our students and families. The scheduled meetings are as follows:
- October 22, 7pm: Self-Care for Parents & Caregivers (District-wide) – Presented by NJ4S MEETING LINK
- January 21, 7pm: Social-Emotional Learning (Stonybrook & Pearl R. Miller) – Presented by Sabiha Sultana, District Social Worker MEETING LINK
- March 18, 7pm: Handwriting Without Tears, Support at Home (Kiel) – Presented by Dr. Maegann Struble, District Occupational Therapist MEETING LINK
- May 27, 7pm: Parent’s Guide to Mental Health (Pearl R. Miller & Kinnelon High School) – Presented by NJ4S MEETING LINK