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Kinnelon Public Schools

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1:1 Device Program

  • The primary device for KPS students in grades 3-12 is the Chromebook. 

  • Students in grades 3-12 are required to participate in the 1:1 Device Program.

  • Students in grades K-2 do not receive take-home devices however, this year their classrooms will have access to Chromebook carts.

  • A Digital Learning Environment & Device Guideline Handbook was developed and approved and outlines student use and responsibilities. 

  • Teachers will set expectations in each classroom.

1:1 Digital Learning Environment & Device Guideline Handbook

Insurance Information

  • KPS requires that parents/ guardians pay a mandatory insurance fee before the student receives a Chromebook for their use.  

  • KPS works with School Device Coverage and uses the fees collected to provide an insurance plan for each device through the company.

  • This year the fee for students in grades 3-12 is $31.25

  • Parents/guardians can pay this fee through MySchoolBucks. Please be sure to pay this fee as soon as possible and acknowledge that you have done so through Annual Registration.  

23-24 Ed Tech Orientation