1:1 Device Program
The primary device for KPS students in grades 3-12 is the Chromebook.
Students in grades 3-12 are required to participate in the 1:1 Device Program.
Students in grades K-2 do not receive take-home devices however, this year their classrooms will have access to Chromebook carts.
A Digital Learning Environment & Device Guideline Handbook was developed and approved and outlines student use and responsibilities.
Teachers will set expectations in each classroom.
Insurance Information
KPS requires that parents/ guardians pay a mandatory insurance fee before the student receives a Chromebook for their use.
KPS works with School Device Coverage and uses the fees collected to provide an insurance plan for each device through the company.
This year the fee for students in grades 3-12 is $31.25
Parents/guardians can pay this fee through MySchoolBucks. Please be sure to pay this fee as soon as possible and acknowledge that you have done so through Annual Registration.