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Kinnelon Public Schools

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Welcome to the Kinnelon Public Schools Mathematics Department!

The Kinnelon Public Schools Mathematics Department is dedicated to providing students with a rigorous mathematics curriculum that is aligned to the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS) and that establishes the essential foundation for future success in mathematics.  From Kindergarten through Grade 12 we provide a range of courses that support the effective learning of mathematics and focus on conceptual understanding, computational and problem-solving skills, and quantitative reasoning and analysis so that students are prepared students for post-secondary education and careers. We also promote a supportive environment that fosters creativity, inquiry, and active learning.

Elementary Math (K-5)            Middle School Math (6-8)           High School Math (9-12)

Math Course Placement

We are dedicated to placing students into their appropriate math course so that they do not experience unnecessary  stress or anxiety. Individual math course placements are determined collaboratively by the teacher and supervisor by a thorough analysis of each child's skill set and performance through multiple points of data. All students will be challenged in the determined math course that best fits their needs.  Please view the KPS Math Course Progression Chart below for more information.  


Calculator Use Policy

Calculators use in our mathematics classrooms is selective and strategic.  Please view the document below for an overview of student calculator use at the secondary level to ensure that your child has access to the proper device and that they are using it appropriately.  


NJ Student Learning Standards for Mathematics