Welcome to Kinnelon Public School District’s Interactive Dashboard, ColtConnect. This dashboard is a supplement to the Kinnelon Public Schools District and Board Goals. It is intended for our community stakeholders and visitors to our school district to better understand how the district is achieving success in its efforts to meet these goals.
Continued Engagement with Stakeholders (Goal 4 - Communication) : Expanded community outreach by hosting additional in-person and pre-recorded forums, including a live-streamed Technology Symposium, ensuring accessibility and fostering ongoing dialogue with parents, students, and community members. Links to each school's forums can be found here:
Realtime Parent Portal Launch (Goal 4 - Communication): Kinnelon Public Schools launched the Realtime Parent Portal in August 2024, providing parents with realtime access to their children's grades, report cards, schedules, and teachers. For the first time, transportation information and letters were delivered digitally, enhancing efficiency and accessibility. In September 2024, the district distributed the 2024 NJSLA test results electronically through the portal, promoting transparency regarding student performance. Additionally, parents can utilize the dedicated app for timely updates and notifications, reinforcing our commitment to effective communication with all community stakeholders.
- Forums: Held several In-person & pre recorded forums throughout the school year.
- New Website Launch: In May of 2024 we launched this site to bring a more streamlined approach to communicate important information to our school community. Some new features include synced Google calendars for easy access to upcoming events and announcements sections for the latest news and important notices. The website is now mobile-responsive, ensuring a seamless experience on all devices, and is designed to be user-friendly, making it easier than ever to stay connected with our school.
- Revitalization of District Social Media Platforms: Facebook and Instagram were refreshed to enhance communication and engagement with parents and the community. They also showcase the district’s successes, highlight student achievements, and keep parents informed about upcoming events and important announcements.
- Student Information System Upgrade: In July of 2024 we will launch our new SIS through Realtime. Realtime's notification module will be utilized to communicate messages out to families via email, text, and phone calls.
Fall Tech Symposium: On 9/23/24 the district will be providing parents with a start-of-the-year opportunity where they will be able to bring their devices (or use one of our chromebooks), and be walked through the new Realtime portal, Realtime app, and the new district website.
Summer 2024 Facilities Upgrades: Two sections of partial roof replacements were completed at Kiel School and Stonybrook School, ensuring the safety and longevity of the buildings.
Phase Two Technology Infrastructure Upgrade: Upgrades were implemented at Sisco School, Kiel School, and Stonybrook School to enhance the district's technology capabilities, supporting student learning and district operations.
Audio System Upgrade at PRM: The audio system in the all-purpose room at Pearl R. Miller School (PRM) was upgraded, improving sound quality for events and enhancing communication during school functions.
- Facilities Assessment: At the April 25th, 2023 public meeting, the Board of Education authorized DiCara Rubino Architects to conduct a district-wide facility assessment. The assessment was completed throughout the summer and early Fall of 2023. Those findings were presented at the November 14, 2023 public meeting.
- SDA ROD Grant Approval: Awarded SDA Rod Grant for partial Roof Replacement and Patching at Kiel & SB
- Infrastructure Upgrades: PRM & KHS completed in the Summer of 2023. Budgeted for Kiel & Stonybrook for Summer 2024.
- Kiel Building: Exterior Signage (Main Entrance & Building) and HVAC Rooftop Replacements (2)
- Sisco Building Updates - 2nd Floor Revitalization
- KHS Updates: Track Fence Replacement
and Stadium Concrete Walkway
- PRM Updates: Cafeteria Student Center
Fall 2024 Curriculum Focus Presentation ( Goal 2 -Student Achievement, Goal 3-Student Experience and Retention, Goal 1- Financial Stewardship):
Key updates from the fall 2024 presentation included the introduction of Into Reading (K-5 ELA), IXL Takeoff (K-5 Math), quiz analysis tools, and report card adjustments. Transition initiatives for 8th graders such as the Shadow Day during Spirit Week and plans for a Freshman Academy were highlighted. New elective offerings at KHS and early intervention programs at Kiel and Sisco Schools were introduced to support student achievement and retention. All initiatives are designed with cost-efficiency and resource alignment in mind, ensuring both academic excellence and responsible financial management.
2024 AP School Honor Roll Recognition (Goal 2 - Student Achievement) : Kinnelon High School has proudly received the silver award for the 2024 AP® School Honor Roll, recognizing our commitment to developing an AP program that fosters a college-going culture. This achievement reflects our efforts to provide students with valuable opportunities to earn college credit and enhance their future college outcomes, aligning with our district goal of promoting academic excellence and college readiness for all students.
2024 AP Honor Roll Certificate
NJSLA Results Presentation - Spring 2024 Administrations for ELA, Math, and Science (Goal 2 - Student Achievement):
The district's Spring 2024 NJSLA results reflect high student achievement, particularly in ELA and Mathematics, where the majority of students scored at or above the Meeting Expectations level. Notably, our 7th-grade ELA and Algebra II students demonstrated remarkable proficiency, with over 75% meeting or exceeding standards. These results align with District Goal 2 as the district continues to exceed state averages, demonstrating the effectiveness of our academic programs and targeted interventions.
2024 NJSLA Results Presentation
Varsity Tutors Partnership (Goal 2 - Student Achievement): Kinnelon Public Schools has partnered with Varsity Tutors to provide all students with free access to live online tutoring and a wide range of educational resources. This initiative supports student achievement by offering personalized academic assistance and enrichment opportunities, aligning with the district's efforts to enhance learning outcomes across grade levels.
District Wide
- High Impact Tutoring Grant: Awarded to district to provide ELA and math support for students in grades 3 & 4 to build foundational skills
- Response to Intervention (RTI) -Developed a systematic approach to instruction in each school that uses three tiers of research-based strategies and interventions to optimize student growth.
- Summer 2024 Instruction: Continuation of tutoring/small group instruction during to reinforce foundational skills in ELA and Math in Grade 1-9.
- KHS Program of Studies Update: Includes addition of CP-A level and updates to the waiver process.
- PRM Schedule: Introduction of a flexible period called COLT - Custom Options for Learning Time. This period will provide students with the opportunity to explore interests and delve deeper into subjects that intrigue them.
IXL Implementation (Grades K-8): Utilized data for monitoring progress, growth, and for intervention. Access was expanded access to all students in Grades 6-8. This will be used as a supplemental resource to support any students who are struggling with concepts.
Reveal Math Adoption: After a successful pilot in Grades 7-8, this resource will be fully implemented in 24-25 grades 6-8.
Revised District Math Benchmarks (Grades 3-8): Aligned benchmarks with the skills and standards being taught at each grade level to track progress accurately. Will focus on core high school courses in the 24-25 school year.
Curriculum Revisions for 9-12 Math: Curriculum will be revised this summer to restructure topics covered across Algebra 2 and Precalculus
Summer Math Academy: At PRM a tuition-based Intro to Algebra course is being offered for students to prepare for 8th grade Algebra IAt KHS a tuition-based, credit-bearing, Geometry course is being offered for students looking to accelerate their math placement.
Math Enrichment Opportunities: Offered multiple state and national math contests K-8 along with enrichment sessions at the K-5 level.
English/Language Arts
K-5 ELA Resources: Ordered and training will be provided to teachers for the start of 24-25.
Phonics Program: 95 Percent Group will be incorporated in Grade 2 for 24-25 for consistency and alignment with grade 3
- IXL Implementation 6-8: Used during 23-24 to obtain diagnostic data as well as skill development in Grammar and Writing Mechanics. Data was also used for placements and groupings.
- Utilization of No Red Ink 9-12: An online tool for Grammar and Writing Instruction as well as adoption of Grammar workbooks to incorporate within ELA courses.
Revised District Science Benchmarks (Grades K-5): Aligned benchmarks with the skills and standards being taught at each grade level to track progress accurately.
IQWST Unit Benchmarks (Grade 6-8): Implemented the use of IQWST unit benchmarks to identify students in need of support.
Revised District Science Benchmarks (Grades 9-12): Aligned benchmarks with the skills and standards being taught at each grade level to track progress accurately. Using Pear Assessment to collect data and identify students in need of support
Expansion of Allied Health Program at KHS: Continued analysis of the program in order to expand opportunities for increasing student enrollment.
Dual Enrollment: Expanded partnership with William Paterson University for our science AP courses.
Social Studies
Rutgers Civics Professional Development: Workshop attended by Grade 3-5 teachers.
Savvas, My World Pilot: Used in grades 3 & 4 to include Civics instruction with a unit focused on New Jersey history and civic awareness.
TCI Civics Unit: Taught in grade 5 aligned with civic awareness and citizenship
Citizenship and Civic Awareness: Units taught through the Full Value Program (Grades K-5) and Brain Pop/Brain Pop Jr online resources
Summer Curriculum Revisions 6-12: Will include civics incorporation within the elementary and middle school Social Studies curriculum
New High School Half-Year Elective: You and the Law will run for the 24-25 school year during the second semester. Curriculum and resources will be adopted over the summer months.
Card Swipe Access for Spiro Complex Snack Shack (Goal 4: Communication: Expand Community Outreach): A swipe card reader was installed at the snack shack to facilitate access for external community groups during their events. Access cards can be programmed to activate and deactivate at specific times and dates, ensuring that groups can use the snack shack only during their approved time slots.
Online Application Process for Kinnelon Public Schools Facility Use (Goal 1: Financial Stewardship):
An online application system was developed and implemented for external organizations requesting the use of district facilities. This streamlined process notifies all stakeholders, flags any issues with applications, and speeds up the permit issuance. Additionally, it allows the district to bill users for facility rentals—such as fields, gymnasiums, cafeterias, auditoriums, and custodial services—after their events have concluded.
Updated Evacuation and Reunification Procedures at All Schools: In collaboration with the Kinnelon Police Department and the Kinnelon Department of Public Works, the district has successfully revised its evacuation and reunification procedures. New locations have been designated for each school, ensuring adequate shelter from the elements, as well as access to heat, water, and facilities. All schools conducted practice drills to familiarize staff and students with the evacuation process to their assigned locations.
New Camera System Installed at Kinnelon High School: Kinnelon High School has upgraded to a new, state-of-the-art camera system, replacing the older, slower setup. The new system includes 136 cameras that provide comprehensive coverage of the school’s interior, exterior, and athletic fields. Key features include extended recording times, additional cameras, telescopic lenses, license plate readers, motion detection recording, and the capability for multiple users to view footage simultaneously. The system also allows for remote access from off-site computers or phones. This enhanced coverage enables the administration to monitor the entire building and campus within seconds, ensuring the safety of students and staff.
Additional Cameras Installed at Pearl R. Miller Middle School: Six new cameras have been added to the surveillance system at Pearl R. Miller Middle School. Four of these are telescopic cameras, providing comprehensive coverage of the athletic field at the back of the school, which will be especially useful for monitoring athletic events, PE classes, and recess. The remaining two cameras offer a clear view of the road and sidewalk behind the building, enhancing surveillance of cars in the lot and students on the sidewalk, particularly during dismissal.
Realtime Student Scanning System (Goal 4: Communication) : In September 2024 we implemented a student scanning system at PRM and KHS, integrated with the Realtime student information system, allowing for efficient management of late arrivals and student movements throughout the day. Students can scan in and out for open lunch at KHS, as well as visits to guidance, the nurse, the CST, and the media center across both buildings. This initiative not only improves attendance accuracy for teachers but also fosters transparency for parents, who can access scanning data through the portal. This aligns with our district goal of enhancing communication and engagement with families, ensuring they are informed about their children's whereabouts during the school day.
Security Forums:
District-Wide Updates:
- Installed Lockdown Emergency Notification System (LENS)
- Reunification/Evacuation Revisions
- Added Behavioral Threat Assessment Management Teams
- Purchased 8 Mobile AEDs - 2 Per Building
- Created a Standard Operating Procedure for Transportation
- Electronic Mapping of Each Building
PRM & KHS Updates:
- Implemented Student IDs and lanyards
- RSVP-3 (anonymous reporting)
- New PA System (KHS)
- Installed Speed Bumps (KHS)
- New Drop Off / Pick Up Procedure at PRM
Sisco Building Updates:
- Interior Video Surveillance
- Exterior Video Surveillance
- PA System
- New drop off/pick up Procedures Video
Educational Technology
Fall 2024 Technology Symposium (Goal 4 - Communication): The district's fall Technology Symposium featured an insightful presentation by Lauren Muriello on screen time and youth mental health. The event emphasized practical advice for parents and showcased district tools, such as the Realtime Parent Link App, to enhance communication and engagement with families and community stakeholders. The Technology Symposium, also aligns with the Board's goal to engage community stakeholders in discussions about creating a "Cell Phone-Free School Environment." The event's focus on managing screen time and fostering healthier digital habits provides valuable insights for parents and community members, supporting the ongoing exploration of this potential policy change.
Quizlet Pro Access for KHS Students (Goal 2: Student Achievement): Quizlet Pro was acquired for the 24-25 school year for high school students, enhancing their study experience with advanced tools, unlimited custom study sets, personalized study modes, and ad-free studying. This initiative supports our commitment to improving student learning outcomes.
- 1:1 Digital Learning Environment & Device Guidelines Handbook: Developed guidelines to support the integration of 1:1 devices and communicated these procedures to students, parents, and staff to ensure consistency and accountability.
- Clever Integration:
Utilized Clever to streamline access to various learning apps across the district.
Google Classroom: Transitioned to Google Classroom for the 23-24 school year as the primary LMS.
Device Upgrades & Enhanced Technology Access:
Replaced devices in Grades 9-12 for the 23-24 school year as an initial phase of ensuring students have access to up-to-date technology.
Expanded technology access for students at Kiel School, improving opportunities for digital learning through grade-level carts during the 23-24 school year.
Budgeted to upgrade all devices in Grade 6-9 with touchscreen Acer devices for the 24-25 school year. Current senior devices will cycle down to Grade 5 for 24-25.
Grade 2 will be 1:1 on carts in the classroom with existing devices.
- New Position Created:
On 9/26/23 the BOE approved K-12 Director of Education, Informational Systems,Platforms and Staff Development, effective 7/1/24.
- Educational Technology Roadmap: Presented at the November 14, 2023 public meeting.
Student Services
Paraprofessional Support and Data-Driven Decision Making (Goal 2 - Student Achievement): The Student Services Department has implemented a system to ensure paraprofessionals are actively supporting students in progressing toward their IEP goals and objectives. Paraprofessionals now collect monthly data on key learner behaviors, such as attending to tasks, following routines, completing independent work, and transitioning between activities. This data is analyzed by teachers, case managers, and the BCBA to inform ongoing training for paraprofessionals and to identify the resources and programs students need to succeed. This approach ensures that our students receive targeted support and opportunities for increased independence.
Supporting Student Achievement Through Targeted Professional Development (Goal 2: Student Achievement): The Student Services Department offered comprehensive professional development (PD) opportunities during Fall 2024. These sessions were designed to equip Child Study Team (CST) members, teachers, and counselors with the tools needed to enhance student outcomes. For CST members, sessions included topics such as "Welcome to the CST – Now What?" and "Maximizing Student Independence Through Teacher Aide Support in IEPs." Counselors received training on critical issues like addressing anxiety and school avoidance, as well as using the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS). Teachers were provided with tools to implement differentiated instruction, harness technology, and collaborate with paraprofessionals. This targeted PD supports our mission to improve student achievement across all grade levels.
Sustainable Special Education Programs (Goal 1: Financial Stewardship): In Kinnelon, our commitment to Financial Stewardship extends to ensuring sustainable and impactful special education programs. We’ve implemented initiatives across multiple schools that not only enhance learning for students with special needs but also optimize resources for long-term success. At Kiel School, we’ve created four new programs, including a co-taught class for K-2 and a multisensory teacher using Orton-Gillingham-based methods, to provide targeted early interventions. At Sisco, we closely assess preschool students to address developmental needs early on, and at Stonybrook, special education instruction is infused into general education, including expanded access to our Wilson-certified teacher. Our Middle and High School students demonstrating significant progress can now benefit from the consult model, a step-out from our In-Class Support program. These efforts reflect our ongoing dedication to fostering student achievement while maintaining responsible financial practices.
Special Services Presentations
- CST Reorganization: Special Services Staff now includes 2 Social Workers; 3 School Psychologists; 3 LDTCs, 1 BCBA
- Balanced Caseloads: Case managers assigned to grades recently in their schools for student familiarity; New person paired w/ a veteran
- Handle With Care: Safe emergency hold training by Master Trainer.
- Para Support Data System: Determine needs; inform Goals & Objectives; Measure progress
- Refined Risk Assessment Procedure: Aligned to district policy
Training in Columbia Risk Assessment for all Suicide Prevention Professionals
- BEAM Team (Behavior & Mental Health Assistance Team): Established in each school; Monthly review of all tiered behavior and mental health cases w/ counselors, social workers, and psychologists
- Executive Function Groups: Introduced 6 week groups at PRM
- Assistive Technology Team: Speech, OT, PT, and Teacher of the Deaf harness technology to strengthen student growth and progress
- Chill Zones: Being developed at each school w/ Rebecca Baskinger
BOE approved Full-day Inclusive Pre-K: Updating training and materials in Creative Curriculum for Pre-K Classrooms/ K-2 ICS Model implementation for 24-25 year
Transition Coordinator Position: Developing expanded community-based and job experience opportunities for 11-12th graders and 18-21 year old learners.
K - 2 Programs: Orton-Gillingham Training Provided for all Kiel Special Ed Teachers; OG Certified Teacher Designated as Kiel Intervention Specialist
3-8 Programs: Wilson-Certified Multi-Sensory Reading Teacher shared across Stony & PRM
9-12 Programs: Established comprehensive work-based learning program w/ 5 job sites; New special education electives developed and being offered for 24-25 school year